With a rising increase of highly skilled, professionally trained yacht crew entering the market today, landing your dream job on a yacht or increasing your chances of attaining your desired promotion on board , greatly improves with self-advancement and professional development. The winter off-season, especially during shipyard periods of refits, provides a good opportunity for yacht crew to expand their knowledge base through training workshops and courses.
A popular or high profile charter yacht not only has an amazing itinerary, but is also expected to have an attractive array of incredible water toys in her garage. Guests like to awake to a fully set up water toy ‘playground’. Seabobs and e-foils have almost become a staple on board yachts these days, with yachts having to often rent multiple toys, if the space on board does not allow for permanent storage.
Many yacht crew have had the experience of back to back charters, long guest trips or very little down time during the season. Most yacht’s water toys experience heavy usage during these periods, and there is little to no spare time to send them off for servicing during those high season months.
Knowledgeable yacht crew can confidently, and correctly, keep water toys in tip-top condition, ward off repairs, and maintain their longevity through impeccable upkeep. With the right information, crew members can easily avoid common mistakes and can resolve minor issues right away.
In an ongoing commitment to improving the proficiency and skill level of yacht crew throughout the industry, Ocean Premium conducted a complimentary water-toy workshop for the yacht crew located in the Benetti Shipyard, in Livorno, Italy.
The three hour, comprehensive instruction provided incredibly useful tips, troubleshooting answers, and best practices, on the luxury water toys which crew provide for yacht guests in a daily basis. Our knowledgeable instructor provided priceless advice and practical recommendations for preventative maintenance, early detection and user error quick fixes.
It was a good cross-section of crew from Captains and deckhands, to engineers. This allowed us to touch on every aspect of our Knowledge Base, and allowed for open discussion and hands-on training.
We received positive feedback from the yacht crew who attended, and each expressed that it had been a highly informative and practically useful session.
We will be conducting more workshops in the future and extend a warm welcome to shipyard staff and yacht crew of all sized yachts to participate. Subscribe to our newsletter and mailing list in order to receive updates on our workshops.
Winter is soon over. This is a good time to check your SEABOB and e-foils. Don’t wait until the season starts. Ocean Premium is a licensed repair center for SEABOB and Fliteboard. Find out what pre-season checks and maintenance you should be doing, or schedule maintenance.
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